FAQs > Admin/Financial

How do I transfer a resident into or out of the community?

Using Quick ADT to Transfer a Resident Into or Out of the Community

Overview of Quick ADT

Quick Admission, Discharge and Transfer (QADT) allows you to record new residents as well as admissions/move ins, readmissions, discharges/move outs, and transfers without impacting billing. This is typically used by clinical staff after normal business hours. It may also be used by non-billing staff to enter residents during business hours. QADT creates an incomplete census entry the billing office must verify and confirm for payer and rate information. The census entry appears in yellow until completed.

Transferring a Resident Into or Out of the Community

After a resident is admitted/moved in to the community, census entries can be completed through Quick ADT. There are different types of census entries that can by completed using Quick ADT. Quick ADT allows staff to record a transfer into or out of the community without impacting billing. A transfer out may apply to a transfer to the hospital or a resident going on a leave of absence. A transfer in may apply to a return to the from being in the hospital or out on a leave of absence. After completing the Quick ADT, the resident status is updated with an Incomplete Census entry.


  1. Do one of the following:
    • Clinical/Care Services > Residents
    • Admin/Billing > Residents
  2. Search for the correct resident name in the resident listing
  3. Do one of the following:
    • Click the ADT link located to the left of the resident name in the resident listing
    • Click the Resident's Name to access the chart. Then select Admin/Billing > Quick QDT or Clinical/Care Services > Quick ADT
  4. In the Quick ADT window that appears, click the Action Type drop down and select the appropriate action (i.e. transfer out, leave, transfer in, return from leave, etc).
  5. Enter the required information indicated by a red asterisk (*). Complete any additional information on hand into its respective field.
  6. Click Save.

Hints and Tips

  • Incomplete Census items can be viewed on both the Clinical/Care Services and Admin/Billing Dashboards.
  • You can use the Batch Update function in both eMAR and Point of Care to indicate that a resident is out of the facility for medication/treatment administrations and required tasks.
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